Saturday morning

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Waking up today, thinking of what is to come in the new year, 2013! I can't wait to see what happens throughout this year, I am hoping to start on my Masters of Science in Nursing...crossing my fingers all goes well and I get in. Also I find myself remeniscing of all that has happened throughout 2012. I started the year off marrying the love of my life, my one true love, my hubby Aaron. He has made me realize the true meaning of life and the important things in life to focus on. He grounds me when my dreamy self goes way beyond, in a good way. He always wants me to have everything I want, and he does usually end up finding a way to give that to me. He is my reality check tho and a well needed one. I tend to have a dreamers mind, heart and soul and sometimes I fly away and need to be brought back before I let myself down. Moving on, first came marriage and second, well hubby and I have attempted twice to have a baby, both times ended in miscarriage sadly. Although these both were difficult to face and thankfully we had eachother and the support and love of our families to get us through, nothing seems too difficult when you have the love and mercy of our Savior Jesus Christ. He is our all in all. We know that this is his plan and he will not give us anything that we can not handle. Praise him daily for he loves us and always will! 2012 also brought my hubby and I both new jobs. My hubby loves his new job and mine ,well I found out the grass is not greener on the other side and am acutally fortuante to be able to get back to the job I had beforehand. As 2012 comes to an end I am realizing how blessed we are to have such a wonderful family, church, friends and life in general. God has blessed us and continues to do so daily as we continue to love him with all we are. Looking forward to 2013 and all that is to come! My main New Year's resolution is to grow closer to my Savior, what is yours?
Enjoy the black and white celebration I am having today!

Kitchen Reveal

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Hello! The day has finally come when our undone Kitchen has been re-done! Woo hoo! Hubby and I, well more hubby than I dedicated our lives for the past two weeks to re-doing our kitchen. It looks beautiful, more than I even imagined. I get giddy just walking into such a beautiful area of our home! This morning the sun was shining in through the windows and doors, felt and looked amazing! Here are some before and after pictures for you all to enjoy!

Cookies and Crafts

Monday, December 10, 2012

Hello all!
How was your weekend? I blinked and mine was over! Saturday, I spent a full day of Christmas shopping in St. Louis with my mom, my mom-in-law,and my sister-in law. We had a long day of fun and laughter, but it left me tired on Sunday. Next weekend my mom is having a cookie bake and some crafting to do, which I found some pin-spiration on pinterest.

Today: Be Thankful

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Today is all about being thankful for what you have! Spending time with family and enjoying the moments spent together! I hope that all of you out there have a wonderful, blessed Thanksgiving! Enjoy each minute! I am thankful for family, friends, my husband, my home, and all God has blessed us with.

Pictures from Sweet tea southern dream tumblr

Friday, November 16, 2012

I am so so happy it's the weekend! It's going to be a bit busy but filled with fun! Tonight ill be catching up with a friend I haven't seen for awhile, tomorrow I'm getting my hair, brows, and nails done before the holiday next week! Gotta look good for the family! Sunday after church I might get to spend some r&r with the hubby hopefully! What is your weekend looking like?
Pics from pretty stuff.tumblr & sweet dream southern tea. tumblr

Monday Blues

Monday, November 12, 2012

So why is it that the weekends can zoom by so fast, but yet the week seems to drag on and on??? I love my weekends and want them to stick around a little longer so that I can enjoy the work week a little more, what about changing the work week to four days with a three day weekend? I truly feel this would benefit all of America! I tend to be more productive on the weekends anyways, at least for what I consider important work. All I want to do today is curl up in this nook and read a good book while sipping my eggnogg latte~
picture gotten from sweet tea southern dream

Happy Halloween

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Trick or treat! it's the last day of October already?! This month has flown by, Thanksgiving will be here before we know it! I love time spent relaxing,eating,laughing and catching up with family! Speaking of family, I sure hope after Friday's appt that they tell me we have a healthy happy addition growing strong in my belly :-). I can't wait to be a mom and hold my baby for the first time! I can't wait to see the kiddos costumes tonight, should be a lot of fun, my hubby and I are passing out candy at home together for the first time. what are your Halloween plans, no costume this year for me.
Pictures from Pinterest boards*

So happy it's the weekend:-)

Friday, October 5, 2012

So so happy that it is the weekend! It has been a looooong week. I hope Saturday sticks around for awhile so I can catch up on rest and home time, I can't wait to just relax and bake, cook, and enjoy my hubby's company! Tonight were playing good ole fashion bingo! Should be fun!
Photos Pinterest boards

We've got news!!!

Monday, October 1, 2012

Hubby and I found out were pregnant second time this year! Hope this is the real thing this time! No matter what worries I may have, I know God is ultimately in control of it all! This is my comfort that I consistently have to remind myself of! Everyday i think positively, the weird twinges here and there the pain that comes and goes, no matter what God is in control! So my prediction of when he/she will be due is June 2nd! My hubby and I are over the moon with this news and we continue to praise God and are thankful for what we have been given! Now for some inspiration pictures have fun, dive in and enjoy!! Any news to celebrate for you??
All pics via sweet-tea-southern-dreams.tumblr

Where are you??

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Hi everyone! It has been awhile and I feel like I'm only writing to outer space here on this blog but I'm not giving up and I'm not going anywhere! I love blogging too much! I have these huge dreams and desires that one day my blog will take off, a business will come to exist and I will be blessing others through design( if God so desires)! On a new note, I'm loving the cooler weather and Fall is almost here less than 3 days! How are ya'll welcoming Fall??

Whew Busy times...A Busy Life

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

{All Pics via icedcoffeeandpeoinies.tumblr, prettystuff.tumblr, and pinterest boards}
Wow time is slipping right by me, I can not CAN NOT believe its going to be September in a few days, Summer was a blur. I do not know about you all but life has been crazy lately. I started a new job working for just one Doctor, a lot different than the hospital atmosphere let me tell ya! All in all I love it, weekends, holidays off, 8-5- five days a week, it's not a nurses norm, but I can get used to seeing my hubbs and eating a REAL dinner throughout the week :) I have been extremely overwhelmed, stressed out and moody since I started....I have this thing about me where I overthink everything and make it out to be a lot worse off than it actually will be. God pops in and tells me to just relax and reminds me that HE is in control and will not let me endure anything that I can not handle.....thankfully I am able to sit back and hear him. My comfort is found in him and through him, along with my wonderful family! I got to spend time just hanging out and talking with my fam this past Sunday night and I sooo needed that!!! As August checks out and September checks in I am going to try to get a few crafts done, save up money to put toward the kitchen fund, and celebrate my Hubby's B-day. Whats on your September list???

Friday, It's Friday!

Friday, August 10, 2012

It's friday and that means it is time for some inspriational photos to be shown! Getting ready for the weekend, hopefully we can get a little work done around the house! Ever since the floor was finished my Hubby and I have been too busy to put the house back together. Little by little it is coming back together once we finsih I will post pictures. What are your plans for the weekend?? I am working, going to a BBQ, church on Sunday, and then some homework, and a little more work before Monday rolls around. Not a fabulous weekend but hoping to pull something fab from it!

{pics gotten from icedcoffeeandpeonies.tumblr}
Enjoy your day!
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