Today: Be Thankful

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Today is all about being thankful for what you have! Spending time with family and enjoying the moments spent together! I hope that all of you out there have a wonderful, blessed Thanksgiving! Enjoy each minute! I am thankful for family, friends, my husband, my home, and all God has blessed us with.

Pictures from Sweet tea southern dream tumblr

Friday, November 16, 2012

I am so so happy it's the weekend! It's going to be a bit busy but filled with fun! Tonight ill be catching up with a friend I haven't seen for awhile, tomorrow I'm getting my hair, brows, and nails done before the holiday next week! Gotta look good for the family! Sunday after church I might get to spend some r&r with the hubby hopefully! What is your weekend looking like?
Pics from pretty stuff.tumblr & sweet dream southern tea. tumblr

Monday Blues

Monday, November 12, 2012

So why is it that the weekends can zoom by so fast, but yet the week seems to drag on and on??? I love my weekends and want them to stick around a little longer so that I can enjoy the work week a little more, what about changing the work week to four days with a three day weekend? I truly feel this would benefit all of America! I tend to be more productive on the weekends anyways, at least for what I consider important work. All I want to do today is curl up in this nook and read a good book while sipping my eggnogg latte~
picture gotten from sweet tea southern dream
ashley nichole © . Quinn Creatives .