April showers bring May flowers

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Hi all, it has been raining everyday here as of lately. I snuck in a long run yesterday before it started which made me happy :) I am starting on some research for when to plant, how to plant, how to grow pretty flowers...without killing them or seeing them actually appear. I have never been garden savvy. Watering flowers has never been my strong point. With that being said though I do want to make our yard lovely, I want double take's of neighbors walking by. I have never had a double take worthy yard, so this is something that will be new to my hubby and I. I am looking at planting peonies (my favorite), ranunculas, and just because I love the name Baptisia.... which I looked at some pictures of them and they are pretty too! Of course they are their name is precious to me, baptise is what it sounds like and reminds me of and that is a wonderful event! Hubby and I are first going to finish building the shed in our backyard and then we will move on to some landscaping. I know hubby also wants to redo the deck...lots of outdoor work this spring/summer/fall. I will try to overcome my laziness and actually incorporate photos I have taken onto the blog instead of just using what I find on the web. I may be just to insecure (not the best photographer), I am trying to learn a little here and there, but I don't have any clue how to work the lovely camera hubby got me. So for today please enjoy the pictures from the web, they are far prettier than my own hehe.

*pictures from :sweetteasoutherndreams.tumblr

1 comment

  1. Lovely blog, I do hope April showers bring May flowers :) I need a bit of sunshine.

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