Where I'm at

Thursday, July 2, 2015

Where I am at......

as a wife: I long to be a wife who has her home managed well, tidy and yet messy all at the same time ya know what I mean... the tidy look of put togetherness (i just made that word up) but yet a look where it's lived in and loved in, ya know?! The messiness means there is beauty. Beauty of two individuals loving each other well, the beauty of cozy, comfortable living, the beauty of someday children playing with toys strung about, tripping on GI Joes or lalaloopsy dolls one day. this messiness makes my heart go FLIP-FLOP. So I love the tidiness but need the messiness because I don't think your truly living unless you LIVE in the mess. I want to also be a wife who loves her husband well. This is a constant work for me, I tend to nag and often get too worked up on wanting perfection out of our relationship and I recently read something that puts things into perspective for me and it went something like this:
                                                      A husband loved his wife and wanted to love her fully and he did to the best of his abilities but he told her from the start that he will never fulfill all of her love desires. There's one who can and will tho and that one is....
I love my husband he is my soulmate, my best friend, and the only person on earth that I want to spend every second with, but I can't expect him to be my perfect love desire, but I can count on Jesus to be and this truth needs to be written on my forehead so that I can remain in truth and not set my hubby up for destruction whenever I expect him to read my mind and do all the extravagant dreams I dream up in my head without mentioning it to him. I mean I am sure I am not the only women in the world who does this, true life is not a fairytale and although love is sweet, Jesus's love is the only love that won't ever let us down. My hubby is an amazing man who works hard to give me all that I spew out of my mouth on a daily basis, but he can't be Jesus, and I need to rely on Jesus to fill my love need first. 

as a student: I just finished my second clinical rotation with the most amazing preceptor. You guys! Have you ever met someone that reminds you soo much of yourself that you kind of freak?!? Well the more I learned about her the more I thought we were alike. I loved her, she taught me a lot and will forever be a great mentor to me. She holds a special place in my heart, and although I am happy my second rotation is finished, I am sad because I can't take her with me to be my preceptor for the remaining clinicals. I have two more rotations left and then I will be a FNP (family nurse practitioner). It feels crazy good!!

as a designer: Well for now it is still a dream, a dream I want so badly to come true. If you ever have had a passion that burned within you, then you can relate to how I feel. I love design, I love the details that go into a home. I want to make peoples dreams come true when it comes to making their house a home. Would you all continue to pray for me and for God to open up doors if this is what he wants for my life. I would appreciate it!!! I do have a friends home that they have asked me to do a few rooms, I am new at the actual business side of this so I could use the prayers. 

These are such cute little bowls for your condiments for the 4th of July. 

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