October 7th, 2016 I woke up for a doctors appointment to have my blood pressure checked as I was diagnosed with Preeclampsia a few weeks prior. My life the last month of pregnancy was bedrest and doctor visits. My blood pressure of course was elevated, I never had pressure issues until now, so the anxiety of it all always made it worse when I was going to the doctor. I felt so out of control and defeated. I attempt to be healthy 85% of my life, and throughout this pregnancy I made sure to exercise and eat rather healthy, besides weekly wings and fries, oh and ice cream, but the ice cream is nothing new for me. The doctor told me to monitor it at home and to call before the end of the day with my readings It was about 3:30 pm and my husband was just getting home from work and all day I had tried to think of positive things, to keep my mind occupied with thoughts other than my high pressures. I took it right as he got home and it was higher than it had been, so I repeated it and it still was high 160's/100's. I called my doctor who suggested I go to labor and delivery triage to be monitored (nothing new for me as I had been sent there about weekly for monitoring for the past month). I was scared, I was 36 weeks and just wanted to make it until 38 to deliver at least. I was worried for our little girl, I wanted her to be healthy and ready to come into the world on her own and not forced in. I knew however at this point we had a scheduled c-section for 10/14, exactly one week from this day. I just wanted to make it until then, my doctor was out of town, I did not want anyone but her to deliver my babe, so we needed to wait until my scheduled date. I was pleading with God, the doctors....please let everything be ok and we can deliver in 1 week from now. Monitoring went as usual, my pressures came down after hanging out for a bit at the hospital, labs were drawn and waiting for those to come back pained me. Lab work indicated that the preeclampsia may have gotten a little worse and was heading in the wrong direction, the results got me a one night admission with repeat labs in the am. My hubby was so annoyed that they would possibly send me home in the morning, he discussed with the doctors that this whole process was taking a toll on him, myself, and that if our daughter would be ok, then if we could just stay until we deliver, whether it be tonight, in the morning, or move it up to Wednesday when I hit 37 weeks. He just didn't want me to be sent home, just to worry and end up back in the hospital again. I believe the Lord was speaking through him, giving him insight into his plan. We had gotten settled into our room for the night, my parents and his parents had been with us just in case we were going to deliver earlier. Once settled the grandparents left to go get pizza and bring us back some. I hadn't ate since like noon. They arrived back at 10 pm and I ate a few slices of pizza and then got settled for sleep. Hubby was just drifting off to dreamland when the doctor on call came in to chat with us... as she was chatting my pressure took...it was high 150's/90's. She stated if they stay like this I feel we will deliver you in the morning if not sooner if things get worse. Well sure enough my next pressures were high as well. The nurse called the doctor and they ordered BP medicine to give me IVP. Two doses down and then they decided to start a Magnesium drip, the one thing I didn't want, like really did not want at all to happen. At this time it was 2:30 am, they moved me to labor and delivery because of being started on Mag and they had to now insert a catheter, I told my parents to leave and my hubby had went somewhere to get coffee. The insertion of the catheter did not feel right, being a nurse I knew my patients never were in this much pain from a catheter insertion. I didn't feel right, I kept telling my nurse I don' feel good and at this point my hubby was back with coffee in hand. I looked at him and said I don't feel good at all. My nurse then told me to switch positions as she could not get my baby on the monitor, then two more nurses walk in and at this point- I am asking what is going on, what is wrong???!!!??? Two more nurses come in and then a rush of doctors and nurses come running in. I am naked and they keep telling me to flip this way and that way, next thing I know my butt is in the air and they call a code, my pressures are 70's/30's my baby's heart rate has dropped to 60, and they yank all the monitors off of me and rush me down to the OR for an emergency c-section. I have chills and an upset stomach just typing this story out. By far the scariest night of my life. As we were leaving the room I just stared up at my husband, couldn't speak, just looking at him in fear, he calmly states it is going to be ok with a look of complete fear upon his face, he just kept muttering it's going to be ok. I will tell you in that moment, I thought "this is the last time I will see my husband, I may die, my baby may die. " Once I was in the OR, it felt like forever for the delivery to occur. I just kept hearing shouting from various team members "where is anesthesia? are we going to do a spinal?" In my head I just kept thinking No freaking spinal, just do a general and get her out for goodness sakes! An old highschool friend was on the OR team and she grabbed my hand and told me I had the best people working on me and that they were going to get my baby out safely and I was going to be ok too. God sent so many Angels in the form of the St. John's staff that night to care for me and my baby girl. The next thing I know I woke up and the doctors told me, my baby girl was alive and well heading up to the NICU to be cared for. She was born on 10/8/16 at 3:38 am 4 lbs 14.7 oz, 17.9 inches long. Ohhhh the sweet sweet feeling of relief, my surgery was over and I had a healthy baby girl. Praise you Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! Your plans are far better than our own. I remember getting wheeled into the room after it was over, met by my hubby, parents, and in-laws. Tears filled my eyes as did theirs, we all were relieved that mom and baby were ok. The events that happened after birth were not easy and rough to get through. I developed a fever of 103 for a full 24 hours, nothing would bring it down and I was receiving several doses of antibiotics, they drew labs to see if it was an infection, tested me for malignant hyperthermia, all negative. No reason for my fever that could be found. Since I was febrile, I couldn't see my daughter until it cleared, so I went an entire day without seeing her since she was born, that about killed me. This birth was nothing like I had planned it to be. I never pictured it going down this way, but the outcome was fantastic and I am so thankful for the staff who cared for me and my daughter while in the hospital. Angels of God's army sent specifically to Pia and I. My daughter being in the NICU for those first 7 days of her life was a complete blessing as she received outstanding care and attention. The nurses/doctors who cared for her did such a wonderful job and the teaching they gave my husband and I, just so thankful for it. October 8th, 2016 the scariest but most blessed day of my life, forever grateful.
Tomorrow is November 2nd, this was her actual due date, shes been with us now for 25 days. We love her so so much and she is an amazing baby. The saying we have for her is Shakespeare's " Though she be but little She is fierce." It pretty much sums her up to a T. The NICU doctor told us she could teach the other premies a thing or two, she just was so strong and conquered so much in such a short time. In the NICU they called her Perfect Princess Pia. Triple P. At home she has done well, we have been to the doctor twice for check-ups and she gained weight, all is well. She has scared mama and dada a few times with weird breathing noises and such. The anxiety and worry of being a parent, geesh now I know what my parents went through. You love this tiny little human that you and your hubby created so so so much and you just want to protect them with all that you are. Pia June, you are your mommy and daddy's heart. We love you so,
Mama and Dada
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Kate Spencer Photography |
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