10 Goals

Thursday, May 3, 2012

I feel truly inspired to get things done lately! I was sitting and thinking that today May 3rd would be a great day to write out my goals I want to accomplish by the end of this year, not only life goals but goals for my sweet home as well! May just makes me feel good, it may be that the weather here is Summer weather all week, but still the warmth and the smell of fresh cut grass gets me feeling like I can accomplish a mountain of things! Below are the lists, I would love to hear back from anyone who reads what they would include on their own lists?!

Life Goals
1. Finish my Bachelors Degree
2. Become Pregnant
3. Increase traffic and followers on my Blog
4. Lose and maintain a 5-7lb weight loss
5. Workout 5 x a week
6. Eat healthier daily
7. Make 1 new recipe a week
8. Create 1 new project a month
9. Tell at least 3 people about Jesus a month
10. Start saving a specific amount from each check without taking it back out ;)

Home Sweet Home Goals
1. Paint front door
2. Landscape front yard
3. Paint kitchen cabinets
4. tear out kitchen wall
5. Buy curtains for bedroom
6. hopefully we will we need to be decorating a nursery
7. new bathroom lighting
8. Organize master bedroom closet/rearrange
9. New blinds for all the windows
10. Set up office design ...new pc/laptop

Loving Mint

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