
Monday, September 26, 2016

Pregnancy is something spectacular, it is magical and rewarding. The kicks, the flutters that as a mama you feel daily are not only confirmation that this is real, a little tiny human grows inside of you, but also a reminder of the miracle that God has blessed you with. I have enjoyed being pregnant so so much. Life is more meaningful, cheerful, full of love and happiness. I am so excited to meet our little sweet P.

Pregnancy is also something that you can't control. I had a plan.... all was going as planned until a month or so ago, when we got told our little sweet P was 2 weeks behind in growth, but all else was well with her. She just was going to be tiny because we are tiny people. We still had to go to the high risk OB and get double checked, all was well at this appointment, just again a small babe who looking at her parents was normal. All checked out ok. However, my plan of going to 40 weeks, was now not really on the table as the doctors are following protocol and a baby that is labeled IUGR, will be delivered early. Out goes my plan, and having to accept that I would be delivering probably at 38/39 weeks. I also did not want to be induced, but that was looking like the new plan at this point, unless she comes on her own. One thing we found out pretty early is that she is stubborn, we had to have 3 different sonograms to get the right picture of her heart for the doctors, so my guess is that she will stick to what she has planned.

I don't know if it was the stress of all the news, but I developed a terrible sinus infection, with bronchitis and had to go get antibiotics. Along with that, I have developed terrible sciatica pain and can barely walk some days, egh! Started checking my blood pressures, and they became elevated at home and then the doctors office noticed it at my last appointment. This led to a hospital visit and lab work for preeclampsia. Sure enough, I was diagnosed with Preeclampsia. Again not in my plan. So here I am almost a week later chilling on the couch, bed rest, and boredom. My sweet P will be taken even earlier now, it could be anyday or at the most 37 weeks. I am shooting for 37 weeks. My prayer is for 37 weeks, vaginal delivery over a c-section, but this is another twist, she is lying breech and has been for several weeks... so with her stubborn heart, she is more than likely going to stay breech, and mama will have to have a c-section. I gave up on my own plan, I am leaning into God's plan for this pregnancy and trying to relax and remain calm.

While pregnancy is both beautiful and challenging, it is important to keep your head up and take care of yourself the best you can throughout the entire 40 weeks. Remember our plans are nothing compared to his, he knows the paths ahead of us and cares for us. Let him lead.

ashley nichole © . Quinn Creatives .