Warning: You may think I am a bit weird after reading

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Went for my regular run today. my favorite part- the large cow pasture I get the pleasure to run by. I love, LOVE, love cows. They are adorable but my favorite is the way they smell. Yep. you did not read wrong. I love the way they smell. Manure, i dunno, but they please my senses. Told you, you may think I am weird now haha. When we sold our last house I was sad to leave the cow pasture that was right down the road from us, because I could smell the cows from my yard when the wind was just right.

but all is fine in the world because now I have the large cow pasture that I get to run by. I dont know why I love their smell, i just do.

Aunt Margie and Uncle Ice (thats his nickname. long story and you would have to know my hubby and his side of the fam to fully grasp why he is named Ice) but they got me a cow car freshener a few summer's ago and I was really hoping it would smell like them but it didn't. So if you all ever find any let me know.

Did you know though they actually can bottle the smell of cows. I researched and they do have their scent bottled. haha Freak I know!

Now that you all are thinking im ca-ca-crazy, here are my lovely cows that i have pinned since I can't really put real ones in my backyard. Live in a subdivision with neighbors too close for cows. Some day though we will find our way to the south and have a barn like this with some land big enough for papa cow, mama cow and a baby cow.

Pictures from my pinterest boards.

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