and so it rains and rains

Friday, May 3, 2013

Rain. rain go away, come again another day....or wait awhile. So the rains of April snuck in, snuck in so much that our 1 year old finished basement flooded. I must say it wasn't a terrible, terrible experience. God brought greatness from this event. Nothing was majorly ruined. Carpet went bye-bye, entertainment center went bye-bye. Insurance though has came thru for us, so we are choosing to go ahead and start the remodel process. Hubby misses his man cave. I wouldn't technically call it a man cave(he let me decorate down there, so it is pretty girly still). I am excited however to kind of get a second chance to change/rearrange a bit. We have our plans rolling through our minds now, all the pictures are from pinterest, they represent our ideas for the new design of the basement. I will, after we get moving and grooving on the basement post our actual pictures we take :) Let me know what ya'll think!

Have a good weekend ya'll :)

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