Choose to be happy

Thursday, January 3, 2013

I have goals for 2013, just a few to kick start the year off on the right track. I for the past 5-6 years have made it a part of my life to work out and attempt to be healthy. Some years I did better than others, some years my will power dominated, others it disappeared on me. In 2013, I am going to push my will power to be in control over me. What does this mean for me? Well, no more addictions to sweet stuff, no cookies, cakes, pies, etc. Now as anyone who knows me, knows I L-O-V-E ice-cream, love it! That means that I won't deprive myself of eating ice-cream, but I am going to have control over it and not let it control me. Eating a little here and there will do just fine. I want to be healthy overall so that also means in addition to working out, eating clean and choosing foods that are good for my body and brain.  Choosing to be happy is something I will tell myself each day. I am a woman of many moods, meaning that I can be happy and cranky all within the same hour of a day. I am going to attempt to not be so stressed over the small stuff and focus on how God has blessed me with many many people, and things in my life. I want to become the woman that reflects him in this world we live in.  I hope to make a difference to those around me. My goals are to work out, to eat clean, to make others smile and myself smile more, to love my husband unconditionally, and to grow closer to God everyday.

Pictures from pinterest boards, and sweet-tea-southern dream tumblr


  1. Just discovered your blog and it's darling. Worthy goals for 2013. I look forward to following along.

  2. I loved that North Carolina print and tracked it down the artist on etsy. Here's the link if any of your readers care to purchase it!


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